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Folsom Prison Experience

Folsom Prison Experience

February 7, 2025

Reserved Seating: $39.50-$49.50

Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall somewhere in time at a historic event? Perhaps the birth of Christ, the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the moon landing, or maybe the recording of the Folsom Prison record by Johnny Cash? Well, here’s your chance to do just that.

This fun semi-immersive drama delivers a high intensity recreation of one of Johnny Cash’s most important days in his musical career. Get ready for an unforgettable journey as the “Folsom Prison Experience” takes you back to the iconic day of January 13, 1968, at Folsom Prison. From the moment those doors swing open, you’ll be transported to a different world, where the sights, sounds and feel will have you believing you’re right there in the heart of the action.

Folsom Prison Experience is directed by Stephanie Long and takes you back to this special day and gives you the drama of the day. Folsom Prison Experience stars Jay Ernest, Kat Perkins, Ryan Maddux, Dan Hopman, Ryan Nelson, Tennessee 3 Jonathon TeBeest, Tony Wirth, Jack Mansk, the boys from Hitchville, and more, for a memorable night of fun and music.

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